How to begin a blog

Tips on how to start a blog!

Theres a lot of things you need to think about before starting. First know that this is what you want to do, ask yourself if you are choosing this because you want money or because you have a genuine passion in writing. I personally started this due to my love for writing however of course money is a huge motivator for me! The reason you need to actually be intrested is because it will take a while for money to come - consistency is key and you still need to create innovative content despite not being paid. I don't make any money right now and although I would love to in the future, its not my immediate reason.

Next, find a platform you want to work with. I use "Blogger" for my blog, I have also not yet changed my domain name (the ending of the search title e.g.: .com/ You will also have to find a subscription service for your emails to be sent out to your followers. Feed burner is the free version but I use "". It was difficult to import my followers from different platforms so I would recommend getting in from the start.

Now onto actually blogging. Content is the overall most important feature in a blog so find your niche (the category that your blog is about) mine is selfcare and reviews (hint the name!) I would say that you should write around 10 blogs before posting any. Some people post them all in one go and then add a schedule after- this is because viewers are more likely to subscribe if they know you have posted before and are up to date. Post consistently - I post a new blog every 2 days.

Set up your social media accounts that support your blog. I use Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and Youtube. Make sure to link your blogs for each post - for me Pinterest brings the most blog traffic for me.

Happy blogging! If you enjoyed this and it gave you some tips, make sure to subscribe by hitting "Subscribe" on the home page!


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